Well not quite, got a couple hours. Not sure I remember what I did last year on my 30th birthday, fishing probably, must not have done so well, I don't remember it.

In any case, this birthday will be spent doing the same thing, fishing. Got the day off, looks to be nice, except a pretty good breeze out of the south. But what to target? Crappie and gills? Eh, haven't done so hot with those when its windy, not unless I'm in waders. Catfish? I haven't caught a catfish all year. Take out the bow and do some shootin' up at Boyer Chute? Possibly, though it would be first time up there and I'm unfamiliar with the area. Or I could take some bass lures and mixed bag stuff and shoot out to Two Rivers for the first time? Bout as likely as hitting Boyer Chute.

Argh, I don't know where I want to go tomorrow. I just know I want to spend my birthday fishing on a beautiful May day. I'll let my truck decide where it wants to go and I'll just go along for the ride.