I am having my annual fish fry on Sept 7th in the Papillion Park shelter by the Amercan Legion. It is located on the corner of Lincoln and Washington(hwy 85). I furnish the fish and will have hot dogs, hamburgers, and sausages on the grill. It is a pot luck meal and everyone brings something for the meal. If any of you want to come and would like to donate fish I would appreciate the offer. It takes quite a few fillets to satisfy everyones appetites. I usally have between 100-200 people that attend. It varies depending on the weather.
If any of our CDC members would like to attend and donate some fish I will deep fry the fish the morning of the event and put them in electric ovens and take to the shelter. The event will be from 12:00-6:00 on the 7th of Sept. which is a Sunday morning so it won't interfere with Football. EB