Lived Eastern Nebraska all my life, fished since i was a wee lad. Only lake we went to was the Offutt Base Lake, however i don't eat anything out of that lake anymore (jet fuel runoff from the winter). Used to fish in the pond at Hayworth Park (before the reconstruction, when the ferry was still down there and the old casino/hotel on the shore) Caught a few catfish once. I realize now after they tore down the water treatment plant on the north side of the bridge they created another pond (that supposedly has fish in it, i doubt it given its depth). I know where Walnut Creek is at, never fished it. Been to Zorinsky, no luck but it was a really windy day. Haven't been to Wehrspan but I'm looking forward to it. I have not been to or heard of the lakes north of the Omaha area, such as Beaver Lake, Cunningham and Lonergan Lake.

Now i did live in Lincoln for a little bit, never got to fish though, but I am wondering did anyone ever fish out near Pawnee Lake or Branched Oak Lake?

Anyway its good to be here with some fellow Nebraskans that love to fish.