Wanted to pass along a pic of Emily, now 11 as of this coming Saturday. She has hunted with me for several years, and this year she wanted to kill one herself. She is shooting Zach's .243 since he bought himself a .270 this year. We hunted hard for several days, some in the cold rain, without seeing a single deer. A friend offer me his "honey hole" last week and we sat there all day without seeing a thing. She was down, but she knows it's just hunting. Another friend offered us one of his "hone holes" and told me about running deer out of the field everytime he went in and seeing 15-20 deer a day he hunted there. We got there early last Saturday and was in the stand by 2:00pm. 3:00 came and went . . . nothing, 4:00 came and went . . . nothing, 4:30 came and went . . . nothing, 5:00 came . . . nothing. My buddy was texting me and was getting worried at this point. A few minutes after 5 a deer came out on the far end of the field and it looked like a button head. Since it was her attempt at her first he told her to shoot whatever she wanted to. I told her to look at through her scope and tell me if she thought she could make the shot and she was confident she could. It stood facing us for 10+ minutes, turned broadside, turned facing away from us before she could shoot, and stood there for a several more minutes. FINALLY it turned broad side with about 10 minutes of legal shooting light left and I told her to take the shot. I was watching through the binoculars and I moved off the deer for a second at the shot and as it ran off I couldn't tell if she hit it. We got down and walked to other end of the field and found blood right where she shot it at. A steady blood trail ran about 20 yards off the field and lead us right to her. We had several hugs and high fives at the recovery spot. It appeard to be a "dwarf" looking doe with what looked like short legs, short face, and tall head. May have just been a late born doe. Anyway, I stepped off the shot as we headed back by the stand to get the 4wheeler and it was 130+ yards. She made a perfect shot. I had heard Zach shoot about 5 seconds after Emily and we made our way to him after getting the 4wheeler and found him with a big doe. I stepped his shot off at 136+ yards. I am very proud of both of them.

Take a kid outdoors!