Quote Originally Posted by mduncan62 View Post
You can also take the phone apart (open it up) and throw it in the fridge overnight. That'll dry it right out, just like it does cheese, meat, and anything else you leave open.

KIT Don't feel to bad buddy. Two winters ago (I think) I was at Truman with Hog and Ed, and Hog was getting all fancy and trying to stand up and talk on his cell phone, and dropped it. He tried so hard to get it that all I heard was a big splash, like when you throw a giant rock in the water. You'd of thought he was on fire, because he was moving like greased lightning coming out of the water. I swear he didn't even touch the boat getting out, it was like he was shot out of a cannon.

Ahhh, the memories . Sorry Hog, had to do it. Ed, you remember this right?
Please tell me there's video of this! I can relate, I have a phone or two under our docks on LOZ. Come to think of it, if you had video, it probably ended up in the lake, too.:D