I am drifter for many on the board but for people who KNOW me around here call me Crawdad. I live in Iola, Ks and have fished all my life. Learned how to trotline from my dad but moved to the poles as a teenager. One of the biggest stepping stones for me was when I became aware of shad and the impact they have on fish. Have always had a Lowe boat and currently using the same boat that I bought back in 88. A seasonal guy by choice, chase crappies cept for the months of June, July and August...oh so hard to pry me away from drifting for channel cats :D !! AND I know of a couple crackerbutts on this board that I plan on taking drifting this summer...or for that matter any of you guys! Definitely an experience you won't forget.

I have been married since 73, have 5 kids with 7 grandkids and another one due next month (cake and ice cream every month...birthdays are kinda like the sun coming up in the morning around this house :p ) . Have taught here in Iola for 30 years and for the last 12 years I have been at the Iola Middle School teaching 7th grade science.