The first couple hours I didn't have any luck, hit timber and brush piles and not even a dink. Started fishing the docks and started picking a few small ones here and there. Finally found a spot they were all stacked in, had to catch about 10 dinks to get a keeper, used 1/32 jidheads all day, when I broke off the first time I grabbed another pole that had an Electric chicken tied on, bites went down, tried orange/chart same result, tied red/chart back on and it was back on. Would not hit going straight down, had to pitch it out and just bump the troller enough to move the boat a little and drag it, then they would nail it. Alot of fun and I was covered in slime and after I pulled out ole Gary Burton pulled in behind me, must have been doing something right. Caught the best one by Dinghy #2, just sayin