On NYE we hooked up with an old Air Force friend and owner of Just Another Crappie Bait Company. I have only fished around Mile long bridge, near Long Shoal and out of Windsor Crossing. I wanted to learn new water and about my new investment. Dave Townsand took the time to educate me on the lake, the depths, the channels and the 100s of stake beds that exist near Sparrowfoot Campground. The wind was nice to us for the early part of the trip and then picked up making it hard to pick off the last few keepers. He taught Amy and I how to use Livescope and what it brings to the game.

Now before you start bashing me about Livescope, save it! I've heard enough on FB. You can bash all you want, but keep in mind, you don't know me and you don't know what I've done in my 51 yr life. I learned a lot from Dave and saw many things I didn't see even with my down and side scan.

We put 3 limits in the boat with 15.5" being the biggest and many in the 14+ range. It was a great end to an OK year. It surely made up for my truck engine going tits up on Christmas day. Pictures to come!