Alright folks, I get my boat back today and I'm headed out tomorrow. I will be launching out of Starrett Creek Marina. Any suggestion on locations and depths? I heard the females are dissolving their eggs. I also heard fishing depths are all over the place. I don't mind spending all day on the lake, but I wouldn't mind a little help. I was planning on heading south from the Dam towards Sugar Camp Hollow or the Osage bluff. Of course unless I get some input that will save me the trip. I really want to see what the water up near Barbar Hollow looks like. I've only fished it from shore and want to see what the structure looks like. I have a Helix 7 and 5 on my boat, so I can search for structure and fish. I need help, because I'm still learning. If you think I should try another area, I'm open to learning new areas.

It's like Christmas Eve in my brain! I don't want to work and I don't want to be at work. LMBO