Did it really happen who knows There are no pictures, only stories of fish being caught, some in 19 ft. of water some in 25 ft of water, but as they say no pictures no fish caught even if you caught two off one brush pile and then the fish just quit biting, so you have to move to another brush pile and catch 3 and then they quit, so you move 5 times and catch one or two per pile and then say Pffff I give up, too cold and windy for me, and I was dressed for cold, just not enough. pretty good day as it were, same ole set up 6ft.6in light action rod, 4 lb test line, green jig and green/white Slabbuster 1 1/16 oz jig, hand made from Rick not only does he teach me new stuff every time we go, (he was not on this trip) but he traded me jigs too. pretty good day all in all. thanks for looking. a new report later in the week, with pictures.