Had a Dr. check me out Wed. and all green lights, said I only had 0 to 20% blockage on both left side and right side, big old cut healing real well, so call my outlaw brother n law and we went after them today, used one of the gravel road ramps, holly cow looked like Wal mart parking lot...... didn't catch a lot of fish but did end up keeping 10 eaters since I hadn't been in nearly 3 months, thought for awhile the Dr. had removed my crappie feeling sensors? Ron had me down 5 to 0 for starts, but finally got to feeling the thump and then game on, he still beat me at the end of the morning but he has had practice for the last 3 months, at least that is my story....... fished the grand arm and most fish came out of 10' fow........ no pics too busy trying to get hits......good luck to all fishing the last CDC tour this weekend.......