and I know this cause I was there, got to the storage locker at 8ish, no problems, 8 in of snow in front of the door,,,, but unlike Ford,or chevy, the ole Big Dodge never slipped a tire, just dug in and out we go...

Started out on the bluff by U highway bridge, dipping trees, slow trolling, and pitching let fall, and not one bite, move a long way too.

moved on westerly, fished around the trees, channel drop, dipped some more, nothing, moved to the flats, slow trolled some more, nothing.

tried different depths, baits,and styles, alas to no avail, zip, moved on west seen 5 boats in the cove, stopped and visited with Jim and Bob, they were riggin, and doing rather well...

Me I never got a fish, no minnows and minnows seemed to be the bait of choice for today, oh well I think what a great move I made, Heck I could have got skunked on stockton or the rock and drove 100 miles less.

I am having a crown and seven crown back, and Miss Sharon is fixing chicken wings and corn on the cob for supper.