Okay a known fact I am old and getting older and what I am saying is what works for me and in no way telling you to do as I do, I am a tight wad... I started with 5' ultra light rods in 1977 and used them up until 2009, then I made two big changes, I went to the 10' rod and braid line in 10# , had always used stren yellow 6# mono and it sereved me well for over 30 years, and I started with my own tied jigs but by 1979 went to the 1 1/2" tube jigs, and still use them as well as 1/16 oz. lead heads.... however if I am slow trolling two rods I like a 1/8 oz on the bottom and a 1/16 on the top... and yes I still use the same brand tube jigs, and I still manage to catch quite a few nice fish on these...... In 2010 I did up grade to the motor guide 82# variable speed trolling motor, dam near bankrupt me..... and then the last up grade was the lowrance elite 4 with dsi and I do like it very much, again putting me in the poor house... but like it and finds me all the fish I need, since I am looking a lot more for a thump than anything to eat.......but don't get me wrong, very glad to see all the improvements in the crappie fishing industry, boats,finders,tackle,etc..... heck I even like the inflatable life jackets...glad to see that at the least the same old bait still working nearly 40 years later, how many bass baits have been on the market in the last 40 years? This is what happens when you can't get out and fish, and have time on your hands..... Sure wish I had video's of Ron and I learning to use them 10' rods the first year, they were to say at the least brow beatin' times..... just think if I don't get out soon, the next post will be even longer......