First off I had a blast meeting eveyone!!!
1. Bob can change the bearings in a trailer in 58 minutes. Thats with hand washing time!
2. How to steal a train. thanks Beagle lol
3. Why they call Lizard Lipps, Lizards Lipps
4. Chatt is a stand up person, even if he is a minner man
5. Frosty talks ALOT J/K
6. Finaly I know who has that big white whale that shows up on the Crossing. and bigby and his son are great people
7. All the places you can stick a ticket. Bob :rolleyes:
8. CDC trips have anuff fire power to take over a 3rd world country
9. Camo Catcher and 7 Hawgs love Toronto
10.DRUM ROll never ever ever cross 3 arms of Truman to go to Toronto!!!!

but.... to all the folks that have never been to a CDC trip it is awesome!! they are great people. I didn't know anyone but Bob and by the first 2 hours I new everyone and they make you feel very Welcome. I encourage anyone and everyone to go!