Saturday, August 10th, we will hold the 5th Annual Crank Fest at Cossar State Park on Enid Lake. We will use Pavilion 585 at Persimmon hill and will eat around 3:00 that afternoon.
I have had several people ask about what they can bring and have been torn when answering and will continue to do as I have in the past. Tammy and I will be responsible for the main coarse, most likely pulled boston butts for bbq, and get all the paper products and all together. Everyone should bring their own drinks please. If someone would like to bring some "sides" for the bbq that would be great, such as potato salad, baked beans and such. We won't need a ton of that stuff though, no need to waste. I will have a head count thread going so hopefully we can have an idea of numbers a week ahead of time. Also if you want to bring a dessert that would be great as well but we won't need a ton of that either.
Please post here if you intend to bring something but please do not feel like you have to bring anything to attend. Also, the past three years people have helped me with the expenses of this event, meat, paper products, ect. and it has been greatly appreciated and if you feel led to do so that's fine but certainly not expected.
I think our number will be larger this year than in years past and am excited about the event, fishing and fellowship has formed many many lifelong friendships over the years and will continue to do so.
We will start gathering at the pavilion at Persimmon Hill around 1 or 1:30 and like I said, eat around 3. And after that we will have a couple seminar, following each we can do a question/answer session and help each other. Hopefully some will bring their boats to the gathering, being able to walk around someone else's rig and see little things they do can help any of us.
Look forward to seeing everyone!!
Any questions just give me a call 662-458-8925