Quote Originally Posted by deltabull View Post
The good Lord couldn't have blessed us with three more beautiful days than we've had here. 83 more fish today with 14 keepers. Only bad thing about this trip so far is the biting fly hoarde that moved in on us yesterday about noon. That were still bad this morning. I used the only thing I could find to spray my legs to keep them from biting me which was a bottle of slab sauce with garlic. By mid afternoon the flies seemed to thin out and by 5:00 they were all but gone. We are resting in the morning before heading south to Grenada lake after washing all the fish slime, blood, and dead flies of the boat.
Now that's too funny. The stuff catches fish, stops squeaks, lubes reels, and now I've heard it all. It also repels biting flies. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if anyone else has more uses for slabsauce!