Got to the boat ramp about 8 pm . Met a long time friend and his girlfriend. The weather was great clear skies a little breeze very comfortable. Water temp was 77 . Trolling glow jigs with a minnow was the plan. Took the usual route down the north shore a few light bites but no hook ups. Motored across to the South shore went along and finally hooked up 11" black crappie in the boat . We circled around more bites 1 more crappie. I found keeping the bail open with my finger on the line when I got a bite, then give um line drop the rod back helped with hook ups.

There were was a pontoon of carp hunters coming threw so off into the bay. Picked up a few more crappie and a bunch of white bass of different sizes. Threw all of them back. Kinda slow night fishing wise , good weather good friends not to bad! Called it quits at 1 home by 2.
Thank for reading!