Wow!! You all and my wife and I must be in the same boat. On Nov 6 she fell and shattered her ankle. Surgery to repair that, then off to re-hab. While she was in rehab I took a bad spill on the front porch. Laid on the concrete about 3 and a half hours before I came to and managed to crawl back into the house. Called Cray and he knew something was wrong so he call 911. I was pretty delirious. Core temp was down 4 degrees. Cray probably saved me. When they got me to hospital, I had hypothermia, bleeding kidney, badly bruised pancreas. Bruised pancreas quit producing insulin and blood sugar went off the charts. Taking insulin shots 4 times a day. Getting better each day. God has surely watched over me. On Aug 14 she fell again and broke her hip. Back to surgery. Partial replacement. She broke the ball of the top of her femur. Two hour surgery. Had her up on her feet as soon as she came out of recovery. She gets out of re-hab next Friday. Says she has not had any pain since surgery. Here is praying that you guys recover as well as we have. God bless.