I have to have my net vertical and with a “Net Keeper”. I still do most of my fishing solo. I can’t take Steve with me on EVERY trip.......as my net man.

That net keeper gets laughed at by most, until I tell them net your own fish. There like huh, how?

It gets put in the vertical rod holder on the left side. Mostly cuz then I can reach for it and know exactly where it’s at, without looking.

Austin & I have “Fake Fought, and Fake Net Kings” @ Holland a few times. Nothing more funny hat people lining up behind us........

Truth fully, a big King turns my boat into a circus if I am by myself. BUT, it’s my circus.........

I get what your saying as well. If I could fish the DR during the week, it would be great.

However schedule and kids dictate my fishing times. If I have to be surrounded, I should at least get some amusement.....