Scrapper, et al,
I see you guy's talking about doing a "decarb", as I stated in a different thread I have a 1982 Johnson 60 hp, I now add carbon guard to the fuel each time I fill up; however, I really only started this practice about a year ago so I would suspect that there is the potential for significant carbon build up given the age of this motor.

Ok, so my question is: what is the best method for performing a "decarb"?

Oh, one other thing. I also have a 90 hp Merc on my pontoon, rather than purchasing Johnson/E-rude 2 cycle oil and Merc oil I am using Merc/Quicksilver TCW-3 "premium" oil for both motors---is there any reason that I should not use Merc 2 cycle oil in the Johnson??

Thanks in advance.

Howard V.