Don't get me started on these tanks.

The person who invented them has not put any fuel in anything in their life. What was "supposed" to fix a fuel leak issue actually caused more of one. The pressure needed to operate the nozzle ends up bending them and allowing leakage.

Then you have time. Someone should do a cost analysis of what it costs per year in man hours to use one of these. It takes me 5 minutes to empty a 6 gallon can and 45 seconds to empty an older can. The newer one leakes more fluid and causes stress on the tank opening that you are filling. Eventually, you cannot screw on the cap to the fuel tank you are filling.

Ever tried filling a chainsaw with one? You have to hold the nozzle open, get fuel all over, and get to smell it on your hands.

We drill holes in the back of the handle and fit a golf tee in for a vent. I purchase every old style tank I can find at yard sales.