This evening's report had two first's sorta. With the high tide back on normal flow we pushed back into the pads deep and found some willing LGMouth on frogs and toads. High blue sky and a cool breeze normally points to a tough evening but the LGMouth where willing and we landed 5 before we had to retreat the skinny water. Faced with a not low enough water I searched about 4 spots for a willing top water bite and found none. Time for drastic move and we arrived at full flow with the sun burning our eye sockets out. But it only lasted 15 minutes and the shade came and the tide moved slower. Caught a snakehead on the fly and that is only the second time ever on my boat. Then the LGMouth turned on we caught several more. Let me preface the next line. Snakehead do not feed after a certain low light time period. But last night it happened. Ernie cast his popper out to a nice edge and a LGMouth we assumed ran 10 feet to eat it. It jumped like a LGMouth and it struck like a LGMouth and it fought like a LGMouth but at the boat it was a snakehead. Magic maybe?

Capt Mike

Another beautiful weather night. Another night with excellent casters. Niko wasn't just a good caster for a kid, he was good, period. We had a snakehead miss in the first ten minutes and then two more soon after. Niko actually saw the second snakehead open it's mouth and take his toad, ten feet away, a big splash and it took him by surprise. I had a lot fun with this father and son team and I hope I get to see them again.

Capt Dave