The big storms skirted us all evening as we pushed way back into the pads. Had a few quick hits but no hookups. Then right at the boat a giant hit and the lure went under the boat but the hook was sideways in the snakeheads mouth and pulled right out. Capt Dave was close by and crushing the LGMouth and it made us feel un-lucky. We pushed past him and bam a LGmouth then another, another and a hookup on a snakehead that wrapped in the pads and escaped. Ten minutes later a snakehead wakes a bait and we land it. 10 minutes more and we lost another snakehead to soft hookset. But yet again, ten minutes later we land another snakehead. A few LGmouth more and we sit hunkered down in the lightning and pouring rain. Threw some poppers after the storm and caught a LGMouth but it was getting cold so we headed in. The 3rd snakehead is from Capt Dave's boat..

Capt Mike

The bad news is that we were almost 0 for 7. Then, Billy landed a nice bass. The good news is that we were where the fish were. We ended up with a snakehead and some nice bass.

Then, the radar said the rain was coming. It started with a few drops and then, the deluge. We hunkered down with Capt Mike and his crew and got drenched. When it lightened up, we headed back in's the creek. The rain started again. My crew had had enough and we headed in. 2018's first snakehead and Chris' biggest bass ever.

Capt Dave