They say third time is a charm and whomever "they" are, are right. We found some willing convict bass and one that measured too. It was cold this morning with frost on the pier and you had to step careful into the boat. But the light winds made the morning patrol nice. We caught many fish of different species. Lets see also LGMouth about 5 lbs also graced us as well. Big yellow perch and white perch also. An eater catfish also.
Fish taco's tonight... YES..
Two lures caught most of the fish with the specialized bait 2oz Lil Bunker nudging out the Storm swim shad two to one. The Ft Belvoir wall was stacked with convict bass once again just off the 8 foot ledges. Nothing big but fun. Since I was looking for dinner we moved around and found a some good marks in 25 feet of water. Stayed on them for an hour with my new Minn Kota and spot lock..very cool feature when vertical jigging.
Home by 11am to rake leaves.

Capt Mike and Capt Dave..