The day started out with so much promise as I was still jazzed up about last nights Pop-R bite. Cloudy with some humidity and a falling tide was the key. We got to our first set of pads and first cast two blowups by Potomac Pike.. one even cut the toad right in half. Next thing you know the clouds scatter and in one hour not a cloud to be seen. Felt like fishing on the surface of the sun only not hot. It really shut the bite down and we struggled till golden hour. We landed a few bluegill and crappie and one little buck LGMouth before calling quits. Cursed by the sun.....

Capt Mike

Aaaaallllllllll day long the clouds were in the sky. We arrived at the ramp, the clouds were in the sky. We ate chicken and ribs, the clouds were in the sky. Launch the boat...clouds disipate and the sun is bright and the humidity high. Come on man...! We started out hoping for a snakehead bite in the sun with toads. We went to small swimbaits and even worms. We went to Pop R's because, well, because nothing else seemed to matter, the retrieve may as well be fun. First fish scored around 7 PM, just as the shadows were forming. Three more hits and two more fish and we were done.

Fortunate again to have a great crew.

Capt Dave