Welcome to the "Crappie.com" family!!

You are dead on about "cows lying" ... !! (got a good chuckle out of that one! I've been debunking that theory since my GrandPa used to mention it - back in the 60's ....LOL!!)

But, what's this about "squirrels" ?? I see more squirrels out along the roads, when there's a light, misty rain. Used to wait until such a weather pattern presented itself, before going squirrel hunting. Now you're telling me that I should have been going Crappie fishing, instead ? .....LOL!!

And you are telling the straight skinny, about having a good "plug knocker" with you, if you troll cranks very often Mine cost me the grand sum of around $8 (back in the 70's) ... probably saved me (& my fishing partners) well over $400 in cranks, since - and I don't troll cranks that much, either!! Rarely, if ever, for Crappie .... and sparingly, at best, for Hybrid Stripers & White Bass. But, I do throw them quite a bit (day or night) for Bass. There's just a lot of standing, submerged timber in the lakes I fish, here in KY. (and I bet some of them look like a Bass anglers Christmas tree ).... luck2ya .........cp