my home lake is just like yours and i fish mostly at night. but when i used to bass fish i could remember in some places i found fish really stacked up on my fishfinder and i went back there and caught the heck out of them. i suggest you start in the timber where the depth starts down into the channel. in my lake that puts me about 50 yards off the bank the water slowly tapers down to about 15 ft, then drops into 25 to 30 and on the top of the drop sitting in 15 to 18 ft is where i do my best. i will use crappie tubes tipped with minnows or just plain old jigs or tubes. i will drop the bait down (while paying attention to how deep i go) and just jig it up and down real slow while moving it sideways until i catch a fish. keep doing this at different depths until you find them. then catch away. good luck hope this helps