So I'm fishing yesterday with my normal fishing buddy and like usual, I can't go out without two boxes full of jigs, 6 dozen minnows and at least 6 poles ranging from 5 feet to 14. I'm thinking we are doing o.k. because we've got about 9 fish with one pretty nice one right at a pound. Here comes this old guy. (no disrespect, I promise. I've learned sooooo much from "old guys") He stops and asks how we are doing and me with my nice bass boat with all the fancy crap fish finders , side scan, minnows, jigs and 50 poles tells him how good we are doing and show him a couple of fish. Now he reaches into his box and starts pulling out 14 fish that could eat the ones in my boat. He is fishing a small aluminum boat with a small motor, ONE pole and jigs only.

Is this just something that comes with experience and wisdom or are some people just born with it? I know he hasn't brought out and sunk structure because its way too far from the nearest landing so he's just fishing what he's found. He was very friendly and even showed me a sunken tree top just 20 feet from my boat. Just wish I had someone here like him to teach me.

Oh well, let me know what ya think.

(By the way, I'm no young buck. Be 38 in July.)
