There have been lots of questions about Trolling for me so here is a little help in that area.

You need a variable speed Tm and start by setting it on 3 and adjust for the fish and wind. Just tie the jig (or RR) on and cast it out to the said and kind of back as far as you can and take off. Hold you rod out to the side and if you feel any thump even a tiny one, pull your rod forward a good bit as sometime they are moving with you. Once you hook up stop the TM so you don't put any extra pressure on the fish. One little trick I use a good bit and I am sure it works a great deal is every once in a while let you line slack by moving it back and then hole until it tight again. Many times a bite will happen then. I call that the Skip Dip, LOL! After no bite just pull your rod back to where it's comfortable. I believe that is the first time I have told on a board about the Skip Dip. but I am not sure.

As I said in the other thread fish like this around over than through Hydrilla. I have been fishing like this Spring and Fall since the late 70's and never use a weight other than the jig it self. I catch them in 3' to 14' of water trolling a 1/32oz. RR. The 14' was in the Fall back when as I didn't and have not done that is a good while.

Last fall I got busy tying jigs and didn't get to fish much at all. The reason it worked in the Fall it also was over a Hydrilla spot that had deep water all around and the top of the 14' of water was covered in Hydrilla and was a narrow short spot, but I have caught more fish fast there than any other spot in my life.

Good Luck,
