Why in the world do people insist on passing you when you are hauling a boat reguardless of how fast you are going or what the speed limit is???? I bet I had 10 people speed around me today while hauling the boat from the lake. I was running 60 in a 55 and never touched the brakes once, until people tried to pass me with almost no room. This is a phenomenon I can't explain. They either ride your prop or pass you like you are holding them up.

I think I better start back to that Road Rage class again.

Now on to the good things about today. I did find the crappie :D Crappiepappy said "Take the boat, use your electronics to find other docks with equal water depths around the dock pilings, & fish them the same way Hey, if it's working at your dock ... it should be working on others.
If the water is muddy/dirty and still in the 40's ... the fish are probably a bit lethargic, maybe even stressed. The "meat" you have on your hook helps them find the offering ... the size of the offering, being small, is easy for them to consume while in their cold water state.
Personally, I'd be Vertical Casting around every dock post I could find Dirty water can sometimes cause the fish to nose up to a stationary object, allowing them to stay in an upright position and maintain their equilibrium/balance. The cold water temps is keeping their metabolism slowed down, so a big meal isn't necessary. You're catching fish, where you are and how you're fishing, so just expand your horizons and get out there and find those other productive docks."

I did catch a limit of crappie thanks to Crappiepappy!! :D:D:D He was right on the money about targeting other docks at the same depth. I then went and targeted standing timber at the same depth and caught my 5 biggest :D:D of the five big ones all were 12" with the biggest 14". Thank you for the advice. I am already getting better at vertical casting after today. It started rough, but wasn't bad once I got the hang of it. I even took a marker and marked the line just above the reel so I could return to the same depth each time. :D

Supposed to be in the 60s the next 7-10 days in Indiana! I am gonna learn to use the digital camera before the week is up. Maybe I can get some pictures on here.

Thanks again Crappiepappy! That's what makes this site great. I not only caught fish today, but I learned something new!