I have been put in charge of vacation plans this year. WOOOHOOOO I don't have to go to Disney World!!! So I was looking for some nice vacation spots to bring the wife and daughter. Maybe some fishing, swimming, cabin type places. I know some of you guys guide on here and know some of these places. I would be interested in renting a boat for a week or so if the price is comparible to hauling my boat from Indiana. I have never made a trip out of state where someone else wasn't in charge of planning, so I am new at this. Please leave me some contact and pricing information if you could please. If you have a place you would recommend that would be great too!


Good Fishing
Cabin Rental (Week)
Boat Rental (Week)
Guide Services (maybe)
Swimming (wife prefers Pool)
Dining (tired of cooking)
Other Entertainment nearby

If Dora the Explorer or Elmo lives near you, you're in for sure:p:p!! I'll fish everyday but the wife and daughter won't. So we need alternative entertainment. If neither live nearby, please leave the other information .