I've been fishing a little neighborhood pond whenver I can't get to the lake and need to scratch the fishin' itch a little. I've noticed that I mostly am seeing black crappie up in the shallows 1' deep and can catch them with a jig dancing in front of their face long enough to piss 'em off to make 'em hit it. It seems the white crappie and the overall larger crappie are out deeper, say twenty further off the bank and a little harder to catch. The question is, do black and white crappie spawn together or not, do the bigger fish hang deep and wait for the little ones to get done first. I find this interesting and i would apprecaite any info. The more knowledge I have about crappie behaviors, of course the more advantages you have to catch them. Oh, and by the way, it is fun to drive 2 minutes and catch a hundred in an hour and a half. Haven't found a lake I can do that on yet. Anyway, any help appreciated. tight lines and God Bless
