Now that we have the site hosted and the down time problem is solved, is there something we can do about the time out issue. Nearly every post I spend any time on or have to edit for any length of time causes the site to log me out and I have to copy my post and relog in or lose the post. Several times including once today I have spent considerable time on a post and then lost the whole thing when I got logged out and couldn't get back to the post I was working on.

I have participated on many forums, and this one is the very best, but it is also the only one I have ever used that does this and it has to be a forum setting issue or a glitch of some sort. I know I have complained about this in the past and the last thing I want to do is cause grief to Slab or anyone else that manages this excellent site, but this is a really irritating issue. Yes, maybe I'm a bt windy in my posts, but still very frustrating.