I had an encounter yesterday evening while fishing that really tee'd me off. I was fishing about a 30 ft stretch of bank and had caught 4 nice slabs and a fellow in other boat just motored right up in front of me and tied off on a log. He was no more than 25 ft. from me. I didn't say anything at the time. I fished around and moved over about 40 yards and started fishing in other spot and he untied and went to the area I had been in. After about fifteen minutes or so I headed back to where I had started and went around the other boat. This fellow had the nerve to tell me I was a rude person for cutting him off. Boy, did that hit the wrong nerve with me. I told him that he should have thought about what he dad done before he opened his big mouth. I told him if he was a real person he wouldn't have moved in on me to begin with. There was 2700 acres out there and he didn't have to fish on top of me. I also told him he need to go and find his own fish like a real fisherman and not rely on other people to do it for him. That just made him more mad. I then told him he was like a coyote. Let someone else do his work for him. Question is what would ya'll do in this situation and how to better handle it?