Been catchin em fer years! in the lakes! But then I decided to fish an oxbow close to home off the upper end of a river with dams on each end. Went to my spot today and saw 6 feet of new water on top of where I was catchin em last weekend. Surface clutter was gone, shad schools were at 20 ft but small. River temp was mid to high 50's, oxbow surface temp was 65 to 68 with deeper water same as the river.

No bites! Trolling, beating the banks, working the channels. X-85 looked like the place was devoid of life. Found a few "Brickpiles" but no action. Only thing I didn't try was minners cause I was to lazy to go get some.

Now ya'll can beat me about the head and shoulders! Where do the fish go when frontal systems dump a bunch a new water on your fishin hole?