:D I mean the weather is going to be pretty good here on Monday with temperatures in the upper sixties. That is not bad for late January. I have been cleaning out my tackle box and preparing for a trip to either Walker Lake or Weiss Lake this coming Monday just to get out one more time before leaving for a week in Kissamee next Wednesday.

So what's wrong with this picture you ask? Well, there is this wife of mine for 38 years that.......you guessed it.........wants me to take her and her sister shopping for clothes at 9:00 am when a new store opens that she really wants to go to. Can't go on Sunday because it won't be open. Can't go on Tuesday because all the "Great sales" will be gone. Can't go at noon when I get back from fiiishing because then I would have put the fish in front of her. That would be a bunch of CRAP pies.


I guess I'll take the wife shopping and keep my mouth shut. There will be other times and she said I could get a truck when I get back. She ain't all bad. Besides, I will take her fishin with me in mid Feb. when I get back. I have not told her that part yet though.:D