Hi All,

I know it's been a pretty long time since I gave an update, but it's been slow going for the last good bit.

However things are moving along some and he has now moved to FL to try to get into a job that will lead to the same job after he gets out when ever that will be. They just got there so don't know much else that I can say. There is a fair chance that he will be able to get a job that will trade over to a government job after he's out.

His medical progress has been still moving along also. His foot though has lost all feeling, even the pain and I think they may try a nerve graph and if that doesn't work he is probably going to lose his foot. He has come to grips with that he may well lose it too and is OK. We will probably find out more then next trip to BAMC in San Antonio.

We still at this point don't know if or how long he will stay in after he goes before the board and there is even some question about when that will be.

So much is up in the air right now. We really don't know very much about the future and how it will play out, but he's moving on to find out.

Thanks for all your prayers and support,
