perplexing question no doubt , there are several factors in the mix , as mentioned certain cover will hold smaller fish , the denser the cover the more small fish like it, to avoid predation and have a better ambush point as well to feed .
that said sometimes larger fish will be present deeper in that cover and or on the edges , likely set up to ambush the congregation of little fish in said brush .
Crappie will feed on crappie for sure , there is no honor amongst crappie about passing up ANY meal .
All said me thinks this about that , there are always a few nice fish in these cases from what we see , but it may be 50 or more to one and that gets tedious for sure. Another thing that may come into play is to upsize to a larger bait to reduce the little fisheez want to hit it before the larger fish have a chance .
would I personally move , probably not until I ketch EVERY single fish in the area JUST to make sure you know .....
Bertha the whale crappie might be dwelling amongst the pigmy crappie fish could happen you know .....
sides all that ketchn is ketchn , sooner or later if you ketch large numbers of fish , a big dumb one will get in the mix ....just saying
in synopsis if you are after eater fish and looking at the average fish in the pack size and want to fill the cooler it might be best to find a school of eaters instead of sitting on the small fish .....