Took fish to several older folks today. Some that are no longer able to fish. Couple guys that used to be on here at one time. I had 4-gallon bags of fresh Crappie fillets. One older couple camped at the lake had not seen since last year. Did not know he was battling Cancer. In the past, usually gave him whatever was in my livewell. Asked if he wanted some Crappie. He grabbed a bucket but these in my cooler already filleted. My last stop was friends camped for the week. Gave them the rest. Also brought some Flathead Catfish fillets which we had for supper. I share most of my catches. I try to share with older and sick friends when I can. None of my catches ever gets wasted. All the folks I shared with today were much older than me. If I ever get too old or sick to fish, hope someone shares with me. Still a young 65 and fishing all I can.