Ketchn started a thread with a picture of a glove floating. Very creepy. I added a post about stepping on what I thought was a drowning victim. Left me shaky. Read it on his thread. But that gave me the idea for this. Post weird or creepy thing you have seen or found while on the water. I'll start with one about a high school friend.

My friend's family had a camp on the water in the Atchafalaya River Basin. He would go there every chance he could. Loved fishing on trot lines and crabbing. Made a lot of spending money. Not once but twice he found drowning victims. Both times he tied them to his dock and called the wildlife people to get them. Ironically he lost his life in a boating accident. He was skippering a tug boat laying pipe in the marsh. His boat hit a live gas line and the gas exploded killing him and crew.