I've had about 10+ Tx Limits of 25 per day this year & quite honestly I'm still baffled & have yet to figure out a pattern for them this year. Maybe 2 or 3 trips I found a solid pattern but over all, I've yet to find them congregated together. Texas Weather has been crazy with Wind, Rain, & Cold this year & most lakes around DFW are still around 56°-60°'s vs 62°+ like normal. Are any of you having a task even finding Crappie? If I didn't capitalize on catching them Open Water when I see them then I wouldn't have very many days over 15.

I see a lot of Crappie Videos with people showing multiple Doozies stacked on Timber NOT ON ANY LAKES THAT I VISIT. It's Onezee, Twozee, Susie.