Sometimes, Life can surprise you. As I posted here back in November last year I purchased a 1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160. Then Life got in the way in a major way, my sweetheart, my better half Joyce, had to have open-heart surgery, having the top of her heart rebuilt.

Well, while she's been recovering, I've been window shopping and researching this boat, with many headaches trying to scour the internet for any tid-bits I could find. Seems Tide craft went out of business, was sold a few times, and the property changed hands as many times as well, with everyone keeping any and all info on these boats really tight to their chest and not divulging anything over the web.

Well, I wound up getting ahold of the current owner of the boat company thats building boats at the White Plains, Tn plant formally Ebbtide Boats plant. He said he didn't have any info that could help me, but would try to get ahold of someone he believed could. Would only give me a name, and would see if they would call me. He did today, and helped a lot, said he would research what he had and would email me what he found.

Just out of curiosity, I googled his name in relation to Ebbtide boats. It turns out the person who called me, one Richard Anderson, in September of 2012 was Named as the President of North American Operations for Ebbtide Boats. On top of the info he gave me today, told me if I had any questions, or needed any help on my rebuild, I'm sure just on the info side, He was no more than a phone call away. Talk about customer service, and I'm sure I'm at least the third owner of this boat.

Finding this out about Mr. Anderson, just knocked my socks off and threw them two rooms away.