I have two BGJP's 12-2 that I use for long line trolling jigs. The reel is filled with Suffix Hi Vis 6lb line. The last time I used one of the rods I could feel something weird when I would reel in my line to clean off weeds or land a fish. It felt like the line was wrapped around the tip, it reeled in harder than usual. I found that the mono line had cut a groove in the rod tip guide. I checked my second rod when I got home and that tip had a groove too, just not as bad. My question is has anyone else had this problem with these rods? I've emailed B&M and have heard back and they say mono line shouldn't do that to the guides. This explains some weird break offs I've had this summer. Anyways, that's it, just wondering if it has happened to other BGJP users.