Hello everyone,
Hope you’re doing well. I’d like to request prayer for myself and my family. I had major heart surgery (Ross Procedure) on 6/20. I had some bleeding complications and was discharged to come home 6/27.

I’m having terrible muscle spasms and cramps in my back and neck that it make it excruciating to sleep or lay down. It’s very difficult to rest or heal as I am only sleeping a couple hours from pure exhaustion. I’m only able to take Tylenol at the moment and it isn’t taking the edge off. I’ve read Psalm 91 over and over and am leaning on the Lord, who even in this season of life is wonderful and should be glorified.

Will you please pray that God will give me strength and ease my back and neck pain so I can rest and heal? The muscle spasms and cramps are just terrible! I appreciate all of you here on Crappie.com

God bless you all.

-Richard Copeland

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