Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all the prayers about my heart surgery. Now, I’d like to respectfully request prayer for my Dad after receiving some very unexpected news yesterday. I’d also like to thank Slab and everyone else for providing a forum such as this to request prayer. It means a lot.

I have a prayer request for my Dad, Chuck Copeland. He recently had a growth removed on his lip and the biopsy came back as Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma, also known as stage 4 kidney cancer. My family is rocked to the core with this unexpected diagnosis. My Dad has no symptoms, so this is a total shock to us all. Prognosis for this condition is not good.

Right now, he is being referred to an Oncologist to determine where the cancer has spread to and get a treatment plan in place. I’d like to ask our prayer warriors to please pray for my Dad to find a good doctor that will help him treat this in the best way possible. I ask for prayers for my Dads comfort and peace as he comes to grips with this diagnosis and prayers for my Mom that she can can face this with courage and a calm mind.

I know we serve an awesome God and I’m not ruling out a miracle! Please pray for God to heal my Dad if it is in His will. My Dad is like my best friend and the thought of losing him in his 60’s is hard for me to accept. Please pray for my Dads healing and our family during this difficult time. I will update the prayer warriors after we confirm with other diagnostic tests the severity of this disease.

Thank you all so much,
Richard Copeland

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