I bought a Wally Marshall round crappie reel today to try it out, but I was having a lot of trouble casting more than about 15 feet or so and I kept getting real bad tangles (backlash?). I messed around with it for a few hours and finally was able to cast a bit farther after adding another weight, but I usually don't fish with much weight at all. Definitely not as much as I was using to practice with it. What is the proper way to set the drag? I was setting it so that the weight wouldn't pull the line out when it was just sitting still, but it was still loose enough to let the line pull out when I'd cast. Is this correct? I don't expect to master it right off the bat, but I felt like an idiot trying to cast just a few feet and then getting massive tangles. Does anyone have any tips that might help? I'd really appreciate it.