It kicks off all my days and gives me many ways to think "what if....".
I retired 3 months ago and though I have been an active member for several years I have become much more active.

My wife still works and is usually awake at 6:45 and I soon follow. We allow each other our quiet time, she is in the living room reading Daily Word, having the morning coffee and applying make up and I happily give her the space she needs to start the day.

My morning space is allowed, and encouraged, on our bedroom computer. Sandy becomes serious about work near 7:45 and she comes to me and asks "is anybody catching anything"? Usually I am absorbed in a thread or 2 and don't offer a complete answer. Then I get serious about getting the sleep from my eyes and looking like the man that Sandy still likes to kiss.

About 8:30 or a little past she comes in gives me a hug, a kiss and the all important "I love you" and then she is out the door for work. At noon, without fail, she calls me asking about my day.
Well I do my best at household chores, decent I think, I keep the lawn mowed, take out the trash and walk the dog.

I get a lot of my fishing fun on Crappie.Com, I leave it open on my computer as I go about my day I think of things I've learned and I share them with Sandy.
We watch fishing videos of an evening but mostly other shows we enjoy.

I love fishing!
I don't enjoy it nearly as much without my wife.

This forum gives me the knowledge and tools I need to have more funfishin!
