Well, I built a boat out of foam last winter 4 stories up in a tiny temp. rented room (1 foot longer than the boat). It weighed 27 pounds all said and done. (24 in the video, but we all gain weight in the winter in Vermont). Couldn't test it out on ice so (and this was just before Covid made travel out od state a problem), I took it down to Maryland and the Pocomoke river, where I had high hopes. But got skunked!

Back here though this summer, it's been a ball (and a relief to get outside in all the beauty we have here). And though we aren't a state known for crappies, we have a few in spots. Since I love crappie and pan fishing, and learned fishing from my Louisiana grandfather, I really made my boat especially for that. And I find them on occasion.

Anyway, here's a couple videos -- one about building my boat last winter and one I posted day before yesterday about catching crappies near where I live.

Building the boat:

Catching a few crappies: