A few of you know after 3 years, my wife and I are moving from Tn, back to La. Well yesterday my nephew drove up and we loaded a large trailer. He and I were supposed to head to La. today to unload and to drop off my boat at my brother's. Well that changed. Right after loading, my wife slipped on some wet pavement and dislocated her ankle and broke 3 places. They put it in place and splinted it last night and we are seeing a surgeon today. She is tougher than me and is doing better than I thought she could.(I stressed out) Never used crutches before and that is cumbersome. Also, except for child birth, she has never had a surgery. Please pray for healing and comfort for her . And please pray for my stress level to be calm. We have to be out the house by the 20th and then the challenge of getting her in the camper will kick in. Also the stress of changing dr.'s midstream. Anyway if you made it this far, thank you for being a great family on C.c. Side note while I'm asking, please pray for my nephew John. As he was getting into his truck to drive up yesterday, he confronted a person trying to rob his uncle across the road. The guy shot at him, and he could not return fire, because his son's house was behind the guy and 2 grand kids were asleep in there. (5 am) Guy escaped, but as John's son is a trooper, the police presence is strong and they will get him. He seemed okay, but pray for him please for stress. Thank you all "D"