Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Farbetween View Post
I tried that way of inserting the whole jig body through the hole made by the hook but it came off easier after a strike. Actually, after I wrote the post I kept at it and found the biggest help was sticking the moistened head through the bottom but holding the hook with a good set of needle nose pliers so I didn't stick myself when it slips (which was often)! But good to think about your photo. Maybe my jig heads are a little too big. Thanks.
The trick in using that way of inserting the jighead thru the hole the hook makes is to NOT put the hook thru the very end of the tube, but down the side an equal distance from the tip of the tube as the tip of the jighead is from the shank where the line eye is ... you with me ??
That way when you push the jighead all the way into the hollow of the tube, then the front section of the jighead will be encased by the tip end portion of the tube.

But, yeah ... it can tear some tubes open pretty bad, and then you're left with having to melt the tear closed or glue it closed (both of which are somewhat cumbersome to have to do).

These problems you're having are the main reasons I went to solid body tubes ... jus' sayin'